Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Life Book Work In Progress...

I want to take a moment to thank you all so much for your kind words about my new design team spot!  I am so excited about joining the One Little Word team; and your words of support and encouragement really mean alot to me!  I think it's going to be a tons of fun, and I really hope you will come on over and play along with us!

You know that thing I said a couple of posts ago - about finishing pages in one sitting?  Yeah, I realize now that that is not always true.  Ha.  Last night I started a Life Book project and didn't even come close to finishing!  It wasn't because of perfectionism though.  It was just because there are a ton of steps to this process!

Here's how far I got...
 I'm making a little sailor girl on a mixed media background.  As you can see I've got a long way to go.  :)

I made her nose blue just for fun, but who knows if it will stay that way...

I will keep you updated as I progress with this one.

I've gotten a few questions about whether I think Life Book is worth the investment.  I can honestly say that buying Life Book 2013 is one of the most worthwhile $99 I've ever spent on a workshop! (and I'm not being paid to say that.) There are new lessons every week for the whole year (with a couple of exceptions, such as a few artist interview weeks), and lots of teachers with a wide variety of styles, which makes each lesson really unique and fun!

As far as buying Life Book 2013 goes, I think it's still worth it if you are willing and have the capability to download the lessons.  The course started in January, so there is a lot that has already happened.  Registration is open until the end of September.  My understanding is that access will go away January 31, 2014; but if you have downloaded the videos and pdfs you will have them forever. You can click here for all the details if you are interested. 

Otherwise, you can always wait and sign up for Life Book 2014 (provided there is one - I am hoping!)

Will I take Life Book again in 2014?  I am definitely planning on it!   I would really miss it if I didn't!

Thanks so much for visiting today!  I will be back tomorrow with another update!


  1. Great start! I love the wispy white sail. (I think it's a sail.) It looks transparent!

  2. Hi Michelle,
    How fun to see your in progress page, can't wait to see the rest.
    What a cute sailor girl she is, like her blue nose.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the class. I just spent that much for my Hello Story class and I sweated over the decision. Mine only lasts 12 weeks but has at least 5 videos each week and downloads to use and forever access.
    So I think it's great you have yours for a whole year, so worth the money. I can see that your learning and enjoying it so much and that's what counts!!

    So are you planning on having a new journal for the OLW? Are you going to do the past ones and catch up? Just wondering in case I do join in.

    Thanks for sharing and wow, it's the last week of August. Would love for you to share at the end of August how you think your blogging was.

  3. Great start my friend ... can't wait to see who this one turns out!!!

  4. Thanks so much for the comments everyone! Raine - yep that is a sail (or the start of one). Carla - So glad to hear you love Life Book too! Dawn - I'll be interested to hear how you like the Hello Story class! Is that one good for Project Life ideas? For the One Little Word challenges, I plan on including them in my regular art journal; and I don't plan on doing the past ones to catch up. I'm just starting with the September word. Julie - thanks so much!
    I really appreciate your comments everyone!

  5. I agree! I have been trying to keep up, but get behind, however, with the capability to download the videos (one of the only classes you can do this!) and the pdf's I feel like, even if I don't get caught up, I still have the lessons forever! :)

  6. You've made great progress with this lesson. I finished mine, and you're right - there are many steps. I've loved every minute of Life Book. I'd love to do it next year, too.
