Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday Update...

Hi friends!  It's day 25 of the 30 day blogalong and I'm still loving it!  Stopping in here each day to say hello is fun!  It's especially helpful when life gets busy (as it has been lately), cuz it keeps me on track with  making time for my art - even if it's just a little each day.  I want to have something to share with you!

Yesterday, for example, was super busy around here, but I did carve out a little time in the evening to work on project life.  Here's how far I got...

Not a lot to see here. Ha.  This is what the first step in my process looks like.  I go through all my various places where I keep clues of what happened each day, and label my pockets with what will go in them.  There are four places I keep these clues:

1.  My day planner
2.  The Memento App on my phone
3.  iphoto on my computer
4.  My Book of Days (grid journal), and
5.  The box I throw memorabilia in.

Between these five places, I can usually find something to represent each day.

Today's project will be to continue to work on this spread.  On Tuesday, I should be able to share it with you - all finished!

I will leave you with a random photo of the cats in the studio this morning.  Willie is claiming the dictionary, by rubbing his chin all over it, and Johnny is doing the same with the de-furring supplies.  They cooperate like that sometimes.  :)

I wish you a wonderful Sunday my friends!  Thanks so much for visiting, and I will see you again tomorrow!


  1. I love your discipline to keep that Life book going! By the end of my "weeks" I often have no clues at all. I think the blog this month is leaving me clues, and I'll miss it when Augus is over.

    I'll still blog, but not every single day. I hope I can leave myself clues somewhere else and will think about where those clues might be left.

    Great post. Love your process!

  2. Your desk is so colorful! What a happy place! I admire how faithful and organized you are with your memory keeping. How nice that your cats like to join you in the studio, too!

  3. Great post - I'm a lover of order, and you've sure got me beat! Wish I could be so organized.

  4. You've done a great job this month Michelle. Each day has been great to read and see what you will share, WAY TO GO!! Even these little posts are fun, so thank you so much for sharing with us!

    I like seeing your in progress PL pages, kinda looks like mine too. I just caught up and hope to post 3 weeks of PL tomorrow or this week. Fell in love with it all over again.

    I have my birthday flower mandala up today if you want to peek.
    Have a great day!

  5. There is a life changing workshop happening in Bangalore next Sunday (22nd Sep). You may check out the details (click here) --> Everyone deserves a wonderful life. We are busy doing everything but improving our own life style. Good things do happen some times. Life changing moments happens once in a blue moon. Please do not miss this opportunity. For any questions, please call Aneef at +91 77955 83702.
