Happy New Year's Eve everyone!!!!!
It's my absolute most favorite holiday of the whole year!!!
We just got back from California late last night, after spending a wonderful Christmas with family. Both Michael and I have family there, and it was awesome to be able to be together for the holidays. I wish I would have gotten more good photos, but I do love this one I took of Michael on Balboa Island.

So... tonight is New Year's Eve! What are you doing to celebrate? I absolutely love this holiday. It's my favorite, because it gives me a chance to look back on the year gone by, and make plans for the new year ahead. I'm so grateful for everything that has happened this past year, and all the blessings I have in my life.
I've got tons of ideas for 2009 and I'm just bubbling over with excitement! Here's a draft list off the top of my head:
Keep creating every day!;
Get enough sleep to feel rested;
Widen my creativity to include making each room in our home a reflection of our personalities;
Honor this body that god gave to me by eating healthfully and moving more - walking, stretching, dancing, etc;
Have more formal dinners with Michael - complete with a beautiful table setting.
I'd like to have some sort of actual schedule which will include (gasp) a BEDTIME. This will allow me to get enough rest every night which will give me the energy to reach all of the other goals. Hmmm... It seems so sensible.
Okay, this post is getting really long, but I've been away and I've got so much to share!
Here's a gift certificate holder that I made for Renee for Christmas - I used the December Crop Suey kit for this one, plus I added some KI memories paper to the bottom:

Oh - one more thing before I sign off for the evening. We are giving away a hand-crafted holiday prize this week at Scrapping the Music ! A package of 30 all-occasion greeting cards - handmade by the design team members! Each of us made three, but one person will win them all! Here are the ones I designed:
If you would like to win these - plus 27 more, head on over to Scrapping The Music and leave a comment!
Have a wonderful, warm and safe New Year's Eve everyone! Hugs to you all!