Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Dream a New Dream...

Hi friends!  I'm blogging about my January project over at Nat Kalbach's Blog today! This month's theme is "Dream a New Dream." 

Come on over to the blog and see the tutorial for what I made with Nat's stamps! Here's a sneak peek...

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Happy New Year and sharing my 2017 Journal Lineup...

Hi friends!  I want to share my 2017 journal lineup so far.  I have been working wildly to get the vessels set up, so I can start focusing on working IN them.  I might be in over my head, but I'm having so much fun!

They are (left to right)

  1. Handbound watercolor paper with canvas cover (9x12) For Paint Your Heart and Soul class lessons, and possibly other finished art
  2. Sketchbook with toned paper - tan (8.5x11) For Paint Your Heart and Soul and other drawings and sketches
  3. Vela Lab Notebook with Grid paper (9x12)  Half-full Fauxbonichi from last year.  Will continue to use, only mainly for notes this year
  4. Sweet Trash Journal (Altered Composition Notebook 7.5x9.5) For daily morning pages, tracking my art and who knows what else - ha
  5. Old Country Diary Planner (7x9) For No Excuses Art class
  6. Book of Days Workbook (Altered Composition Notebook) For keeping track of everything for the Book of Days experience, such as handouts, daily prompts, challenges that I plan on keeping in my Book of Days, etc.
  7. Book of Days - Handbound Mixed Papers Journal with Canvas Cover (8x10) Weekly journal spread, plus at least one multi-day journaling spread per week.
  8. Come to The Fire - (Altered Composition Notebook) For Come To The Fire year-long class
  9. Tiny Journal with handmade paper (4x5) For daily mini-journal project.
Will I be able to keep up?  We shall see!  I will do more in-depth posts on each one as the year progresses and keep you updated.  😊

How about you?  What are your projects for 2017?  I'd love to hear about it in the comments!