Sunday, December 31, 2017

It's the Final Day of the Top 2000 Countdown! - Ed Sheeran - Shape of You...

It's day 7 of the Top 2000 countdown, and we are counting down the best songs of all time, from #259 - #1!  

The one I picked for today comes in at #103 - Shape of You by Ed Sheeran.  

I was so happy to see this song on the list! It makes me want to sing and dance - it's so infectious!

Here's the official lyrics video for Shape of You...

and of course I have to add a live version!  Here's Ed singing Shape of You at the Grammys...

So, that's it for this year's Top 2000 Blog Party!  I hope you've enjoyed it! It's been so much fun for me!

I want to thank Marit Barentsen for hosting this party again this year, and also Marius for being the technical wizard behind the scenes!  It's been nine years running now, and it gets bigger every year!  It's something I look forward to, and such a great way to end the year - with Music!!!

And now we get to celebrate New Year's Eve!  Yeayyy!  It's my favorite day of the year!  Michael and I love to celebrate quietly at home together, each preparing our projects for the coming year.

I wish you a wonderful and safe New Year's my friends!  Thanks so much for visiting!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Days 5 and 6 of the Top 2000 Countdown - CSNY and Hozier!

Hi friends! I've got a catchup post on the Top 2000 party today, since I didn't post about it yesterday.

Yesterday was day five and we were counting down the best songs of all time, from #864 - #559.  

The one I picked comes in at #640 - Teach Your Children by Crosby Stills Nash and Young.  

Here's how my page turned out...
(the photograph of the mother and daughter is by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash) 

I couldn't find a live version of this song with Neil Young in it, so here's Crosby Stills & Nash.  Their harmonies are amazing...

Now - on to today!  It's day 6 of the Top 2000 countdown!  We are counting down the best songs of all time, from #558 - 259.  

The one I picked for today comes in at #269 - Take Me To Church by Hozier.  

This song is one that I feel all the way to my bones whenever I hear it.  Here's how my tribute turned out...

Such a moving video.  A sad statement, but a powerful work of art...

and because I love to hear songs live, here's another one with Hozier singing it...

The Top 2000 Countdown party is hosted by my friend Marit Barentsen on her blog.  If you want to find out more about the Top 2000 Party, click here:  All About the Top 2000 Blog Party 

and if you want to see all of the beautiful work that people around the world are submitting for day six - click here: Day Six on Marit's Blog

Thanks for visiting and I will see you tomorrow for the last day of the countdown!

Friday, December 29, 2017

A Reminder About the Two Classes I'm Teaching in January - EARLY BIRD RATES EXPIRING

I'm interrupting the Top 2000 Party Countdown posts with a reminder about the two classes I'm teaching in January.  They are both going to be so fun!  And they BOTH HAVE EARLY BIRD PRICING THAT IS ABOUT TO EXPIRE!

The first one is Creative Jumpstart!

The normal price is $50, but you can have it at the early bird price of $45 until January 1st!  It's a great way to get into a creative practice in the new year!  To find out more, click here:  Creative Jumpstart 

The second class I'm teaching in is Pull Pen Paint, and it's early bird price ends on January 1st too!

Pull Pen Paint goes all year long, and the early-bird price is only $111!  On January 1st, the price goes up to $122.  If you've been on the fence, now's the time to check it out!  Click here for more info and to register:  Pull Pen Paint

Note: I'd love it if you use these links to sign up for either class, as they are affiliate links, and that's how I get paid to teach.  :)

Thanks so much for your support!

I'll be back tomorrow with a catch-up post for the Top 2000!  Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Day Four of the Top 2000 Countdown - Kiss by Prince

Welcome to the fourth day of the Top 2000 countdown!  Today we are counting down the best songs of all time, from #1180 - #865.  We're over halfway there!

The song I picked for today comes in at #1077 - Kiss by Prince.  

Prince was our beloved Minneapolis hometown rocker  - another talented musician gone way too soon.  

Here's my tribute to Kiss...

Here's the video...

The Top 2000 Countdown party is hosted by my friend Marit Barentsen on her blog.  If you want to find out more about the Top 2000 Party, click here:  All About the Top 2000 Blog Party 

and if you want to see all of the beautiful work that people around the world are submitting for day four - click here: Day four On Marit's blog.

It'd be great fun if you want to play along!

Thanks for visiting and I will see you tomorrow for day five!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Day Three of the Top 2000 Countdown - Learning to Fly

Welcome to the third day of the Top 2000 countdown!  Today we are counting down the best songs of all time, from #1181 - 1812.

Today I picked #1278 - Learning to Fly by Tom Petty.  

Tom was my rock and roll idol in my late teens.  I had a big poster of him in on the wall of my first apartment. He was wearing that red shirt from the cover of the Damn The Torpedos album. I saw him at the (now defunct) St Paul Auditorium back in the early 80's, and it was amazing.  I still can't believe he's gone.

Here's my tribute to Learning to Fly...

and here's Tom singing it...

The Top 2000 Countdown party is hosted by my friend Marit Barentsen on her blog.  If you want to find out more about the Top 2000 Party, click here:  All About the Top 2000 Blog Party 

and if you want to see all of the beautiful work that people all around the world are submitting for day three - click here: Marit's Day Three Blogpost.

It'd be great fun if you want to play along!

Thanks for visiting and I will see you tomorrow for day four!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Day Two of the Countdown - Neil Young...

Welcome to the second day of the Top 2000 countdown!  Today we are counting down the best songs of all time, from #1496 - 1812.

Today I picked #1735 - Needle and the Damage Done, by Neil Young.  

This song about addiction pulls at my heartstrings every time I hear it.  It's beautiful, but also so sad...

Here's a video of Neil singing Needle and the Damage Done...

The Top 2000 Countdown party is hosted by my friend Marit Barentsen on her blog.  If you want to find out more about the Top 2000 Party, click here:  All About the Top 2000 Blog Party 

and if you want to see all of the beautiful work that people all around the world are submitting for day two - click here: Marit's Day Two Blogpost. 

It'd be great fun if you want to play along!

Thanks for visiting and I will see you tomorrow for day three!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Day One of the Top 2000 - Witchy Woman...

Welcome to the first day of the Top 2000 countdown!  Today we are counting down the best songs of all time, from #2000 to #1813.

I picked Witchy Woman, by the Eagles, which come in at #1823...

I spent wayyy too much time on this one, so I'm already behind schedule, but I had a lot of fun with it!  I think I got lost in the moodiness of the song. The candles were done in watercolor on a separate piece of paper, and glued down to the mixed media background. 

In case you are in a Witchy Woman mood, here's a video of the Eagles singing it, back in the 70's...

The Top 2000 Countdown party is hosted by my friend Marit Barentsen on her blog.  If you want to find out more about the Top 2000 Party, click here:  All About the Top 2000 Blog Party 

and if you want to see all of the beautiful work that's being submitted for day one - click here:  Marit's Day One Blogpost.  At the time I am writing this, there are already 28 pieces submitted for today!

It'd be great fun if you want to play along!

Thanks for visiting and I will see you tomorrow for day two!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

It's time for the Top 2000 Blogfest again!

Hi friends!  I'm so excited!  It's finally time for the Ninth Annual Top 2000 Countdown Blog Party!!!

Every year, a radio station in the Netherlands (Radio 2), hosts an international vote to determine the Top 2000 songs of all time.  They publish the results mid-December, and then on Christmas Day they start playing all 2000 songs; in ascending order - ending with the #1 song of all time on New Year's Eve.

My friend Marit Barentsen, has been hosting a blog party to honor this tradition, for the past nine years!  Artists all over the world are invited to create art inspired by songs on the list, and submit them to her. She publishes them all week long on her blog - each one on the day that the song plays on the radio.  Every year there is more and more art - It's loads of fun!

I have been playing along since the very beginning, and I'm so excited to start the party again this year!  My goal is to publish one journal page each day for the next week; each one inspired by a song on that days portion of the Top 2000 list.

First, I wanted something to introduce the top 2000 party in my journal, so I created this...

When the list comes out, I go through it (this takes awhile!)  and pick out favorites.  That is my rough draft.  Then I go back and pick one song for each day of the party, and create a page to celebrate it.  The list in the background of this page, is my "rough draft" list.

If you want to play along, or just find out more about the party, follow this link:  All About the Top 2000 Blog Party.

I will be back every day for this next week to share a page for the party.

Thanks so much for visiting and come on back tomorrow!


Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Are you ready to find out who won the seat in PULL PEN PAINT 2018???

I used a random number generator to pick a winner...

Congratulations Jorin!

Jorin - please email me at to claim your seat!  I hope you enjoy the class!

I truly wish I had more seats to give away to this class!  If  you didn't win, I hope you will consider joining us anyway!  It's going to be awesome!  

Click this link for more info and/or to sign up!  (This is an affiliate link which will help me get paid for teaching).  I appreciate your support!

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments and I will do my best to answer them in the next blogpost!

Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Giveaway for a free seat in Pull Pen Paint 2018!

Hi friends!  I'm so excited to tell you that I have a seat to give away for Pull Pen Paint 2018!

Check out the post below this one for more info on the class. Then come back here to enter the giveaway!

Anyhoo, to enter the giveaway all you have to do is leave a comment on this post.  I will choose a winner on Wednesday (Dec. 6).   Good luck!

P.S.  If you don't want to wait for the giveaway, you can signup right now by clicking here.  :)

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Pull Pen Paint is Open for Registration and I'm so Excited to Be Part of It!!!

I am super duper excited to finally be able to announce that I am going to be one of the teachers in the Pull  Pen Paint workshop this year!

Here's an excerpt from the workshop info page...

"In this year-long course multiple teachers will share methods of using tarot, oracle cards, and other intuitive guidance systems to elevate our personal journaling, spiritual, and creative practices. The cards are creative and intuitive tools that when used intentionally can lead to deeper insights into who we've been, who we are, and who we can become."

I took the PPP workshop last year as a student, and it literally changed my life, and my art practice!  What started as a whim of curiousity, became so much more.  I met new people, learned so much and added a new layer of spiritual depth to my creative practice! Most of all I HAD TONS OF FUN!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Creative Jumpstart 2018 is Open for Registration!!!

I'm excited to announce that I will be participating as an artist in Creative JumpStart (CJS) 2018!!! CJS is being run for the 7th year by Nathalie Kalbach.  If you're not familiar with it, CJS is a one-of-a-kind event to kick your creativity into high gear in January 2018!

Learn techniques, discover new materials, and connect with other artists and crafters!

Throughout January, participants will get access to 31 downloadable videos from 31 featured artists. I'm proud to be one of those artists (called Jumpstarters. )  See for yourself...

Head on over to Nathalie's site by clicking here to sign up and for more details.


31 Downloadable Videos - over six hours of unique content, for just $40 (USD) if you sign up by November 29, 11:59 EST, 2017. 

Afterwards it will be $45 USD (until December 31, 2017).  On January 1st it goes to it's normal price of $50 USD.

If you'd like to sign up, I'd appreciate it if you use this link, as I will receive a portion of any sales made thru this link.  Thank you in advance and I hope to see you there!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle...

Hi there everybody!  It's time for my final project for Nat's Creative Squad.  It has been an honor and so much fun to be part of the NStudio Creative Squad!  Thank you Nat for having me!

Come on over and see what I created for the theme Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Click here to go to the post...

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Artful Adventure...

Hi friends!  I'm blogging about my August project over at the NStudio blog today!  I made a mini-book to record my artist dates in, and I'm excited to use it!

Here's a sneak peek "in process" shot...
Come on over to see a step-by-step tutorial!  Click here to go directly to the blogpost.

I hope to see you there!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

It's a Free For All!

Hi friends!  I'm blogging about my July project over at the NStudio blog today!  I had a lot of fun going black and white for this project - a real stretch for me!

Here's a sneak peek...

Come on over and see the finished page along with an easy step-by-step tutorial!  Click here to go directly to the blogpost.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

I'm guest designing at StencilGirl today!

Hi friends!  I'm so excited to share that I am a guest designer on the StencilGirl blog today!  I had so much fun creating a journal cover with the SG stencils!  

Here's a little peek of what I made...

Come on over to the blog and see the step-by-step process.  I'd love to see you there!  Click here to go to the blogpost!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Pattern Lovers Love Patterns....

Hi friends!  I'm blogging about my June project over at the NStudio blog today!

Here's a sneak peek...

Come on over to the blog and see what this turns into!  Click here to go to the post, and while you're there, I'd love it if you leave me a comment and say hi!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Out and About...

Hi friends! I'm blogging about my May project over at the NStudio blog today!  We are in the middle of the Stroll through the Hood challenge, and my prompt is LOUD!

Here's a sneak peek...

Come on over to the blog and see a step-by-step tutorial!  Click here to go to the post, and while you're there I'd love it if you leave me a comment!  😀

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Live Like It's Spring!

Hi friends!  I'm blogging about my April project over at  the NStudio blog today!  This month's theme is "Live Like It's Spring!"  I decided to use stencils in a different way for this one.  Here's a sneak peek...

Come on over to the blog and see a step-by-step tutorial.  I hope you like it!  Click here to go to the post!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Say it Like You Mean it...

Hi friends!  I'm blogging about my March project over at the NStudio blog today! This month's theme is "Say It Like You Mean It."  I used music as my inspiration for a mini-journal page.

Here's a sneak peek...

Come on over to the blog and see a step-by-step tutorial.  I hope you like it!  Click here to go to the post!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Let's Go Somewhere...

Hi friends!  I'm blogging about my February project over at the NStudio blog today!  This month's theme is "Let's Go Somewhere."  I gave the theme a bit of a different twist!

Here's a sneak peek of my project...
Come on over to the blog and see the whole thing, along with a step-by-step tutorial.  Click here to go to the post!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Dream a New Dream...

Hi friends!  I'm blogging about my January project over at Nat Kalbach's Blog today! This month's theme is "Dream a New Dream." 

Come on over to the blog and see the tutorial for what I made with Nat's stamps! Here's a sneak peek...

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Happy New Year and sharing my 2017 Journal Lineup...

Hi friends!  I want to share my 2017 journal lineup so far.  I have been working wildly to get the vessels set up, so I can start focusing on working IN them.  I might be in over my head, but I'm having so much fun!

They are (left to right)

  1. Handbound watercolor paper with canvas cover (9x12) For Paint Your Heart and Soul class lessons, and possibly other finished art
  2. Sketchbook with toned paper - tan (8.5x11) For Paint Your Heart and Soul and other drawings and sketches
  3. Vela Lab Notebook with Grid paper (9x12)  Half-full Fauxbonichi from last year.  Will continue to use, only mainly for notes this year
  4. Sweet Trash Journal (Altered Composition Notebook 7.5x9.5) For daily morning pages, tracking my art and who knows what else - ha
  5. Old Country Diary Planner (7x9) For No Excuses Art class
  6. Book of Days Workbook (Altered Composition Notebook) For keeping track of everything for the Book of Days experience, such as handouts, daily prompts, challenges that I plan on keeping in my Book of Days, etc.
  7. Book of Days - Handbound Mixed Papers Journal with Canvas Cover (8x10) Weekly journal spread, plus at least one multi-day journaling spread per week.
  8. Come to The Fire - (Altered Composition Notebook) For Come To The Fire year-long class
  9. Tiny Journal with handmade paper (4x5) For daily mini-journal project.
Will I be able to keep up?  We shall see!  I will do more in-depth posts on each one as the year progresses and keep you updated.  😊

How about you?  What are your projects for 2017?  I'd love to hear about it in the comments!