Come on over and play along with us this week! We have a fabulous prize!!! It's free registration in Marit Barentsen's upcoming "Let it Loose" workshop!!! It's a fantastic workshop - I've taken it myself and it was one of my favorites EVER!!! So don't delay!!! Click here to go directly to the challenge!
On another note, I've been pondering the subject of art journaling lately. It's a subject I think about frequently. I think about all the different kinds of possible art journals, and how I want to organize mine. For example, I was recently inspired by this video on creating a "junque journal..."
So, I decided to start my own junque journal. It was super fun to make and I've been really enjoying using it! This however, led me to question the difference between my junque journal, and the other journal I had been working in, which also had bits of ephemera and memorabilia taped into it, and daily musings on life in general. Hmmm... Then I've also got my Artful Amblings (aka A Year In The Life of an Art Journal) art journal, AND my prompt-a-day art journal, and on and on... How many journals does one woman really need???
I decided to make a list of all the different types of art journaling I like to do. Here's what I came up with...
1. Daily facts. What happened, what the weather was like, etc.
2. Thoughts/reflections - stream-of-consciousness writing. How you are feeling, what you are thinking about, etc.
3. To do lists, notes, things to remember, etc.
4. Ephemera of daily life.
5. Journal prompts on collaged pages - artsy and experimental.
6. Specific Online Classes (like Let it Loose for example).
7. Online challenges that I complete in my art journal.
It was almost too much for my brain to handle! For some reason this stuff really gets me going - turning it over and over in my mind. Do you ever do this?
Anyhoo, I finally had a revelation!!! I think I am going to group my art journaling into two ongoing journals; organized like this...
1. Documenting daily life.
This one will combine daily facts, To Do Lists, notes, ephemera
sometimes thoughts and reflections and pics of things that inspire me. Basically, memories of what happens in life.
2. Self expression.
This one will combine journal prompts, collage, challenges, sometimes thoughts and reflections and all kinds of artistic experiments. Basically a place to express feelings visually and try things artistically.
I think I can handle two ongoing journals at once. In fact, it should be fun! If I take an online class I can choose to make an independent journal for that - kinda like a mini-book in scrapbooking.
So that is my plan - for now - LOL. Until I decide to reorganize again. How about you? If you art journal, how do you do it? Does everything go in one, or do you have a bunch of different ones for different things? How do you decide what to put where? I'd love to know!!!